Butterfly valves with single or double offset do not perform properly when used for severe process applications, such as extreme temperature conditions, high operational frequency etc. So, for high temperature service metal seated triple offset butterfly valves are perfect to provide reliable & efficient performance.
Welco metal seated triple offset butterfly valves are designed to suit this severe conditions (such as high temperature and pressure) which do not allow the use of rubber seated valves. They can be used in ON-OFF or regulation services. This design allows reduced torques and excellent throttling capabilities of the off-set disc assemblies. The metal-metal seal assures a perfect tightness even at pressure and/ or temperature & pressure changes. In addition, the geometry of the seat assures operation without wearing down since the disc is solely in contact with the closure seat at the end of the position with rotation 0º.
General features
Size: DN50 Thru DN3000 (2" Thru 120")
Design & manufacturing standard as per API 609 / BS 5155 / EN593 requirements
Pressure Class: Pressure Rating 150# ANSI & 300# ANSI & 600# ANSI
Working temperature:-29 ºC to + 425ºC, With special materials -196°C to + 600°C
Body styles: Wafer type, Lug type and double flanged
Actuators: Manual lever or gear operator, pneumatic actuator, electrical actuator
Design: basic design as per API 609 Calculations according to ASME SEC. VIII , EN-12516-2 ASME SEC. III , ANSI B16.34
Face to face Dimension API 609 /EN 558-1 Series 13 & 20
Body Flange: ANSI B16.5, ANSI 150#, ANSI 300#
Drilling PN-10,16,25,40
Testing: API 598
Marking: MSS-SP-25 / EN 99